Muzikantsky vyrástol na modernom jazze, ktorý kombinuje s hudobnou kultúrou Latinskej Ameriky, ale aj ďalších európskych národností. V 26 rokoch sa presídlil do Viedne, kde má blízko k hudobníkom z Balkánu.
Hudobník a umelec Lee M. Ranaldo je považovaný za zakladajúcu i vedúcu osobnosť žánru noise rock. Jeho osobnosť presahuje hranice obvyklého gitarového hrdinu...
After a few decades of life in the USA has to his credit more than what we are able to monitor. Over the ocean he lives his own life, but still is a native of Prague, who did not forget where it came from.
Carmen Souza was born in Lisbon (81) within a Christian family of Cape Verdeans. Very early she experienced the “Sodade” feeling of missing someone with the long absence of her father due to his work at sea.